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Kits to stock

Note that this does not include wholesale orders.

Kit name Start freaking out
when there's only…
How many to stock
Arduino Protoshield 50 150
Ard. Starter pack bags 50 100
Boarduino Kits 25 100
Digg Button Kits 10 30
Black covers 5 25
Clear covers 5 25
Minipov 2 5 25
Minipov 3 25 100
Mintyboost v1.2 25 100
Spokepov Kits 12 50
Red LED packs 12 25
Yel. LED packs 12 25
Blue LED packs 12 25
Grn. LED packs 3 15
TV-B-Gone Kits 25 100
USBtiny Kits 25 100

Products to stock

Mintyboost accessories

Product name How many to stock
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/inventory/kitsproduct.1201759665.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)