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Product name Results Notes
iPhone 4 Works Can 'revive' and charge up to ~50% on rechargable AA
iPhone 3Gs Works Can 'revive' and charge up to ~50% on rechargable AA
These phones are very finicky, might have to try a few times
iPhone 3G Works Can 'revive' and charge up to ~50% on rechargable AA
iPhone Works Can 'revive' and charge up to ~50% on rechargable AA
iPad Doesn't work iPad battery is 10x bigger than AA's!
Kindle Works Can revive
Kindle DX Works Can revive
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/mintyboost3compat/mintyboost_v3_compatibility_list.1280000067.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)