var zoomy = "\n\

Adding Product ID to description

\n\ \n\

\n\ Zen Cart automatically adds product numbers to each of your products. Here's some super easy ways to make those numbers more visible.\n\

\n\ \n\

\n\ \"\" \n\

\n\ \n\

\n\ This is also a good tutorial introducing how one edits the product page\n\

\n\ \n\
\n\ \n\

Add the product ID to the product page

\n\ \n\

\n\ Add this code to includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_product_info_display.php wherever you like (we chose right under the title, line 62)\n\

  ID: <?php echo $_GET[\'products_id\']; ?><br />
\n\ \n\
\n\ \n\

Add the ID number to the page title

\n\ \n\

\n\ in includes/modules/meta_tags.php
\n\ \n\ Find line 275 \n\

define (\'META_TAG_TITLE\', str_replace (\'"\',\'\',$review_on . $meta_products_name . $meta_products_price . PRIMARY_SECTION . TITLE . TAGLINE));
\n\ \n\

\n\ and replace it with \n\

$meta_products_name .= " ID: " . $product_info_metatags->fields[\'products_id\'];\n\
define (\'META_TAG_TITLE\', str_replace (\'"\',\'\',$review_on . $meta_products_name . $meta_products_price . PRIMARY_SECTION . TITLE . TAGLINE));
\n\ \n\
\n\ ";document.write(zoomy);document.write("

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