var zoomy = "\n\

Create a Blog Announcements Box

\n\ \n\

\n\ \"\" \n\

\n\ \n\
\n\ \n\

Create an Anouncements Category

\n\ \n\

\n\ Use Wordpress and create a category called 'announce', and populate it with a few posts. Test to see that the rss feed works. \n\

\n\ \n\

\n\ If you're using some sort of nice URLS, it'll look like \n\

\n\ \n\

\n\ If not, it may look more like \n\

\n\ \n\
\n\ \n\


\n\ \n\

\n\ Put this in includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_index_default.php (we put it at the very bottom).\n\

<div id="announceBox">\n\
$filename = \'\';   // Change this to your own feed\n\
$xml = new DOMDocument();\n\
$item = $xml->getElementsByTagName(\'item\')->item(0);\n\
$post_title = $item->getElementsByTagName(\'title\')->item(0)->nodeValue;\n\
$post_link = $item->getElementsByTagName(\'link\')->item(0)->nodeValue;\n\
$post_encoded  = $item->getElementsByTagName(\'encoded\')->item(0)->nodeValue;\n\
$post_text = substr (strip_tags ($post_encoded, \'<p><a><blockquote>\'), 0, 500);  // strip out common tags here\n\
if($post_text != strip_tags ($post_encoded, \'<p><a><blockquote>\'))\n\
  { // add read more tag\n\
    $pre_cut = 499;\n\
    while( substr ($post_text, $pre_cut, 1) !== \' \' && $pre_cut > 0)\n\
    $post_text = substr ($post_text, 0, $pre_cut);\n\
    $post_text .= \'... <a href="\'. $post_link .\'">Read More ...</a>\';\n\
$post_text = str_replace (\'<p></p>\', \'\', $post_text);\n\
// find the first image of the post\n\
$matches = array ();\n\
preg_match (\'/<img\\s+src="([^"]*)"/\', $post_encoded, $matches);\n\
$post_image = $matches[1];\n\
<div id="announceImgBox">\n\
<a href="<?php echo $post_link; ?>">\n\
<img src="<?php echo $post_image; ?>" />\n\
<div id="announceTitle">\n\
  <a href="<?php echo $post_link; ?>"> <?php echo $post_title; ?></a>\n\
<div id="announceText">\n\
  echo $post_text;\n\
\n\ \n\

\n\ This will work for rss feeds generated by Wordpress, but you'll have to add CSS and style it for your own website. \n\

\n\ \n\
\n\ ";document.write(zoomy);document.write("

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