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tutorials:learn:stamp [2012/04/03 21:59]
bekathwia created
tutorials:learn:stamp [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{:​tutorials:​learn:​28stamp-complete.jpg?​600|}}+====== Moved! ======
-Create your own rubber stamp on a laser cutter! Perfect for hackerspace passports, outgoing packages, and other fun stuff. +This tutorial has moved to [[|]]
- +
-{{:​tutorials:learn:​01adafruit-art-screenshot.jpg?​600|}} +
- +
-First you will need some artwork to stampCreate your artwork in your favorite vector program. We like Illustrator but ultimately use Corel Draw to output to the laser cutter. +
- +
-{{:​tutorials:​learn:​02create-outlines.jpg?​600|}} +
- +
-If your artwork contains text, be sure to "​create outlines"​ to convert the font to a filled area. +
- +
-{{:​tutorials:​learn:​03create-outlines-result.jpg?​600|}} +
- +
-When you've successfully converted to outlines, selecting your text should look like this. +
- +
-{{:​tutorials:learn:​04outline-stroke.jpg?​600|}} +
- +
-It's also advised to outline any paths you wish to include in your stampIn Illustrator use the "​outline stroke"​ option. +
- +
-{{:​tutorials:​learn:​05black-fill.jpg?​600|}} +
- +
-Moving over to Corel Draw! Import your artwork into a file +
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/tutorials/learn/stamp.1333490348.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)