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tutorials:make:adalight:index.html [2011/10/05 18:45]
daigo [Introduction]
tutorials:make:adalight:index.html [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
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 That's for the 'main body' of the display - **[[http://​​products/​461|we have this available as a discounted project pack!]]** That's for the 'main body' of the display - **[[http://​​products/​461|we have this available as a discounted project pack!]]**
 +<class notewarning>​ 
 +Triple check that your power supply is a 5V supply! Any higher than that could damage the LEDs and Arduino! Even if you got a pack (one person accidentally received a 9V supply) **CHECK IT AGAIN BEFORE USING** 
 You'll also need: You'll also need:
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-The three jumper wires then connect to **ground**, **clock** and **data** pins on  the Arduino. If using a “traditional” Arduino board (Uno, etc.), use  Digital pin **13** for clock and **11** for data. For the ATmega 32u4 or Teensy ​ boards, use **B1** for clock and **B2** for data. The ground wire can connect to  any GND pin on the Arduino.+The three jumper wires then connect to **ground**, **clock** and **data** pins on  the Arduino. If using a “traditional” Arduino board (Uno, etc.), use  Digital pin **13** for clock and **11** for data. For the ATmega 32u4 or Teensy ​ boards, use **B1** for clock and **B2** for data. For Arduino Mega, use pin **52** for clock and **51** for data. The ground wire can connect to any GND pin on the Arduino.
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/tutorials/make/adalight/index.html.1317840305.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)