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tutorials:make:tronbag:index.html [2010/12/17 19:18]
tutorials:make:tronbag:index.html [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
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 This project was a collaboration between ladyada & [[http://​​|becky stern]], rock! This project was a collaboration between ladyada & [[http://​​|becky stern]], rock!
-[[http://​​archive/​2010/​12/​el_wire_tron_bag.html|Check out the CraftZine post]]+[[http://​​archive/​2010/​12/​el_wire_tron_bag.html|Check out the video on Craft]]
-And the video we made! +{{youtube>​PNvBM9JSeN0?​large}}
-   {{youtube>​PNvBM9JSeN0?​large}}+
 ==== Tools  ==== ==== Tools  ====
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 ==== Finishing ​ ==== ==== Finishing ​ ====
-Almost done! Once the EL wire is all sewn on make sure to test each strand again to make sure they are still strong and connected. Double check all the heatshink ​as well.+Almost done! Once the EL wire is all sewn on make sure to test each strand again to make sure they are still strong and connected. Double check all the heatshrink ​as well.
-You can pass the wires around the bag or if it easier and you're OK with permanent modification, ​punching ​a hole and passing ​the wires through. This can be a little neaterless obviously modded.+You can pass the wires around the bag orif it is easierand you're OK with permanent modification, ​punch a hole and pass the wires through ​it. This can be a little neater 
 +and less obviously modded.
 [[http://​​images/​tronbag/​awl.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​tronbag/​awl_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x342 ​ |}}]] [[http://​​images/​tronbag/​awl.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​tronbag/​awl_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x342 ​ |}}]]
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/tutorials/make/tronbag/index.html.1292613524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)