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mdcpickandplace:visiontest [2010/10/19 17:16]
ladyada created
mdcpickandplace:visiontest [2010/10/19 17:23]
Line 49: Line 49:
 If you aren't getting anything from the machine vision, you can try a few things. First, press **F3** to get into the **Parts Definition** table. (You may need to press **Escape** or **Shift-P** or press any **Stop** button before F3 - verify!) If you aren't getting anything from the machine vision, you can try a few things. First, press **F3** to get into the **Parts Definition** table. (You may need to press **Escape** or **Shift-P** or press any **Stop** button before F3 - verify!)
-You can try changing the vision type. For example, if you're using **LV 26** try **126 or **226** - LV 126 makes the lighting a little darker, LV 226 makes the lighting a little brighter. ​+You can try changing the vision type. For example, if you're using **LV 26** try **126** or **226** - LV 126 makes the lighting a little darker, LV 226 makes the lighting a little brighter. ​
 +Once you've changed around the part definition, you can press **Return** on the new values (to save them into the datasheet) and **Escape** to get back to the vision training mode. Then do the **Shift-P** again with the part #
 +===== Returning the part =====
 +We're not 100% sure this is the best way to finish up but once you've got your vision tested you'll still have this part hanging out in the nozzle. ​
 +Once you're happy with the vision (or so annoyed you have to stop). Press **Escape**, you'll get a Stroke Change? window. Press **NO**
 +This will bring you back to the part feeder spreadsheet. **But** the location is wrong. Now **don'​t** press return, immediately press **Escape**. This will make sure the location isn't saved 
 +Once its reverted to the old values, press **F8**
 +You'll see the empty pocket. To replace the part, press **9** (nozzle mode) **R** (drop nozzle) **V** (turn off vacuum) **R** (raise nozzle)
 +Press Escape and make sure you don't save the stroke or location or anything.
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/mdcpickandplace/visiontest.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)