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tutorials:zencartmods:helper.html [2011/05/25 18:31]
tutorials:zencartmods:helper.html [2016/01/28 18:05]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Making an Admin Helper File ==== 
-So now we've got tariffs on each product and that's great, but maybe we have lots and lots of products and adding tariff data to each one individually through zen cart's clunky product interface isn't feasible. If this is the case, we'll need a custom Tariff info Editing file, and while we're at it lets put it in the dropdown menu under "​Catalog"​. 
-New Files: 
-  * admin/​includes/​boxes/​extra_boxes/​edit_tariffs_catalog_dhtml.php 
-  * admin/​includes/​extra_datafiles/​edit_tariffs_definitions.php  ​ 
-  * admin/​includes/​languages/​english/​extra_definitions/​edit_tariffs.php 
-  * admin/​edit_tariffs.php 
-This tutorial requires the [[tariff.html|Tariff Mod]] to function. 
-=== admin/​includes/​boxes/​extra_boxes/​edit_tariffs_catalog_dhtml.php ===  
-the name of this file decides which menu item the link will be under. If you want to put it somewhere else, say in "​Tools",​ just call this file edit_tariffs_tools_dthml.php 
-This is the entire contents of this file 
-<code php> 
-$za_contents[] = array('​text'​ => BOX_CATALOG_EDIT_TARIFFS,​ '​link'​ => zen_href_link(FILENAME_EDIT_TARIFFS,​ '',​ '​NONSSL'​));​ 
-=== admin/​includes/​extra_datafiles/​edit_tariffs_definitions.php === 
-This is the entire contents of this file 
-<code php> 
-define('​FILENAME_EDIT_TARIFFS',​ '​edit_tariffs.php'​);​ 
-=== admin/​includes/​languages/​english/​extra_definitions/​edit_tariffs.php ===  
-All thats in this one 
-<code php> 
-define('​BOX_CATALOG_EDIT_TARIFFS','​edit tariffs'​);​ 
-=== admin/​edit_tariffs.php === 
-This is the actual Helper File. You can put anything you want in here, or use the quick and easy tariff editing file that we've already created. ​ 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/tutorials/zencartmods/helper.html.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)